-Cushing syndrome is a disorder that occurs when your body is exposed to high levels of the hormone cortisol. It may also occur if you take too much cortisol or other steroid hormones.
-chronic increased in free circulating level of glucocorticoids.
ACTH dependent(80%)
-cushing's disease, ectopic ACTH syndrome(CA pulmonary, prostate, ???
-ACTH administration
Non ACTH dependent
-adrenal gland adenoma, CA adrenal, glucocorticoids administration,alcohol
(pseudo-cushing disease)
Clinical signs and symptoms:
-ACTH independent:
-excessive cortisol--->increased in appetite--->deposition of fat in face-->full moon face, also, buffalo hump, truncal obesity
-increased boold level<----hepatic gluconeogenesis--->glucose intolerance
-increased susceptibility to infection, esp fungal<----decreased immunity
-ACTH dependent:--->all gluc, meniralco,,corticosteroids increased.
-hirsutism, acne, amenorrhoea, musculine voices, sodium and water retention<----hyperaldosteronism.
-weight gain and blodd pressure
-hypokaelemia alkalosis
-polyuria, muscle ache,
after presenting with those cushingoid features , we do confirmatory Ix.,
48 hour low dose dexamethasone Test.--high sensitivity--97%
0.5 mg 6 hourly(8 dose)
in normal, cortisol level- supression present--> =<50nmol/L
-24 hr urinary cortisol level test.
-Circaian rhythm: pulsatility release, morning highest level(9pm-180-700nmol/L)---->measured at night when low.(<100nmol/L)...opposite to GH
In Cushing, midnight level will be >100nmol/L though 24 hour level may be normal.
-insulin stress test.
-desmopressin stimulation test.
CRH test.
Differential diagnosis:
-bichemical and radiological test:
-adrenal CT/MRI scan.
-plasma K+ level--if hypokalemia
-Plasma ACTH level.
-CRH test.
iatrogenic- no treatment
transsphenoidal hypophysectomy
bilateral adrenalectomy.
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